Border Dispute

Cross Roads Diner, Abbostford
March 2017
Cross Roads Restaurant

The gaggle of nerds that road tripped to Seattle in the spring of 2017 were sufficiently depleted of energy after several days of convention hustling, partying, and Seattle exploring. Once the Canadians crossed the border we indulged in diner delights at the Cross Roads Restaurant. Charmingly dingy in it’s outdated decor and staffed by a sullen woman it was just the place to refuel before hitting the B.C. Mountain highways.

Buttermilk waffle, good Flavour, whipped butter, could be crispier, bacon was A+, overall a tasty mom and pop shop diner waffle. 4/5 – Dougie 

“Im really clinging on to this life thing” – Danny.

I quite liked it, deep pockets held syrup. There’s kind of a floor of how “bad” a waffle can be. And this one was pretty good. 30/37 – Heffe.

Nice grid pattern, cracked in the middle but that’s ok. It was warm. Middle not warm enough. 8/10 – Danderson. 

Outside too soft but edge was crispy. Light fluffy texture inside, the sausage was the right side and shape to dip into the syrup 6.5/Buttons – Marie

[Picture missing, do any of you have picures?]

Emerald City Waffle Con

Sweet Iron Waffle Bar
March 2017

T’was the 2017 nerd herd expedition to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con and Moonie was a thorough waffle researcher and discovered a MAX CAPACITY: 12 person waffle joint. Danderson, Moonie, and Dougie took up 3 out of 12 seats in the closet-sized restaurant.

The menu was quite decadent with some of the most unique and gourmet waffles the group had ever laid eyes on.

Roasted butternut squash, blue cheese, honey walnuts was chosen by Dougie. The waffle was a yeasted brioche style batter with pearl sugar inside of it. The combination of sweet and savoury toppings was a culinary delight and flavour explosion. The waffles were a bit too heavy to be a crisp as Dougie prefers but the flavours were exceptional.


Valkyrie Breakfast ECCC 2015

Place: The Bookstore Cafe, Seattle
Date: March 29th 2015

Fun Time Douglas was on her second annual (by the time you read this she will have returned from her fourth annual) trip to Seattle for the celebrated Emerald City Comic Con. This road trip is a must, in Fun Time Douglas’s opinion, for comic lovers as ECCC has a very excellent contingent of comic creators in attendance. Also, at this particular point in time Fun Time Douglas was a part-time employee at her local comic shop (LCS) and connected to a network of ladies and non-binaries who also worked in LCSs. This network is called, The Valkyries. It was at ECCC 2014 that this contingent of The Valkyries first met for breakfast to share a meal before the geek filled day started at the convention. Continuing the tradition The Valkyries met at The Bookstore Cafe, downtown Seattle, for breakfast on March 29th, 2015 and Fun Time Douglas ordered the waffle.

Overwhelmed with the excitement of seeing new and old online friends Fun Time Douglas did not take very good notes about this waffle. She wasn’t overwhelmed by the waffle itself, though it was a good vehicle for the toppings served. Notably, the strawberry rhubarb compote and real whipped cream toppings were a sweet and tart treat on the taste-buds. The cafe itself was charming with excellent staff accommodating our large reservation with grace and efficiency.

Fun Time Douglas enjoyed the waffle quite a lot but enjoyed the company of her cohorts most of all. The Bookstore Cafe’s breakfast was excellent fuel for a nerdtacular Saturday at Emerald City Comic Con. To learn more about The Valkyries, who they are, what they do, and more you can find them on social media on Facebook and Twitter. Fun Time Douglas highly recommends following them on Twitter for New Comic Book Day (#NCBD and #ValkRecs) updates and book suggestions! 

